About Me
Motivational Marketing Maestro: Ideator, realist-optimist, activist, dog dad x2, fauxtographer, philanthropist, and cannabis advocate.
Just a Detroit-born human trying to change this wild and beautiful world for the betterment of everyone! With over a decade in the game, I've had the pleasure of curating and creating in most facets of marketing and turning that into success with businesses of all sizes across a multitude of industries and brands. Passion, an open mind, and ethical and progressive practices have allowed for positive innovation and growth, internally and externally. Plus, I bring along a brain full of trivia and (dog) dad jokes for everyone's enjoyment!
The most important thing we need to connect on is that we need more grateful humans looking out for others and this planet in whichever way we can through a little bit of all of this and then some:
- Selfish selflessness soaked in sympathy
- Engaging enablement of equality and equity
- Passion for procuring people’s purpose
- Integrating inclusivity and requiring representation
- An adoration for alliteration
In the meantime, stay stellar, do the right thing, and keep your hearts full!see less
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