About Me
Writing My Story, Speaking My Truth, and Playing My Game. Telling stories to set the spirit free.
As a writer, ghostwriter, and editor, while helping others achieve their dreams of writing their stories I discovered I wasn't doing enough to tell The Story. My story and my clients, in order to connect the events of the past to the present, and then create a desired future, all through the power of our very own words.
There were too many times the truth was brought to the surface only to be buried again, under the same old and unfounded fears that put the truth in the dark in the first place.
Through the process of writing truth into our stories, we allow ourselves to heal when we finally understand - our fears are not the truth.
The truth is the experience of life. The experiences we are meant to have, that bring us to this moment, here. Now.
If you are reading this, you are here for a reason.
Are you ready to Write Speak and Play?
Write Your Story.
Today is Someday.
Please contact me if:
You need a copywriter who can help communicate your Why, the passion of your business to your clients and customers.
You need an editor who will help your manuscript become what you envisioned. Full length to short stories, fiction, and non-fiction.
You'd like to share your story as a guest on the WSP Podcast.
You'd like me to be a guest on your podcast.
You would like to discuss writing your personal story because you fear the unknown. I've been there and I can help you get here. Where fear no longer exists.
For the LeafWire Community: Let's include how cannabis and CannaBiz have impacted our stories.
Books available on Amazon.
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