About Me
I am a highly passionate, hard-working and critical thinking owner/operator in the Colorado cannabis industry. I love to challenge conventional mindsets by always pushing to do things different for a higher quality, more efficient, sustainable outcome. I love growing cannabis, managing our retails, and developing our concentrates. I have in-depth knowledge in just about every facet of this industry because of the hunger I wake up with every day to learn more about this industry and what this plant has to offer.
I first joined my family’s cannabis business in 2011 in the emerging medical market of Colorado. I stepped into a struggling indoor, hydroponic, pieced-together grow and developed a passion for growing the plant, while helping manage the back end of production and the dispensary. As I gained my footing, I started bringing my values into the grow, gradually switching over to all soil and organic inputs.
In 2014, after helping the business evolve from struggling to striving, I wanted to move out of indoor cannabis growing. I knew long-term the inefficiencies of power consumption weren’t sustainable, so I took our production to Pueblo, CO where I built our first greenhouse. It was one of the first Nexus greenhouse facilities to be built in Pueblo and I was told that I couldn’t produce quality in that setting, but I was willing to push the envelope. Now, 5 years later, people from all over have flocked to Pueblo and it has become a Mecca of cannabis greenhouse growing.
I’m still looking to push the envelope and trust the next instinct I have. I want to make our new expansion of the Pueblo facility even more sustainable. We already use vegan, living soil, no-till “beyond-organic” standards. I’m now taking the next step and have already engineered and designed a co-gen (actually tri-gen!) greenhouse that will take us off grid using the best technology. It works cohesively to supply our now 5 operational store licenses in Colorado and set a new standard in cannabis sustainability and production efficiencies, all while producing the cleanest, beyond-organic cannabis.
The new facility is designed for maximum plant matter output, which includes factoring in material needed for our vertically integrated concentrate and extraction company (Infinite Infusions) - the fastest growing market in the cannabis industry.see less
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